A weblog to facilitate communication between those who are in some way connected to the vacationary undertakings formally known as Fingal Bay (2001) and/or Fingal Reloaded (2004).

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Survey thingy :)

Change all the answers so that they apply to you. Then send this to a
whole bunch of people you know INCLUDING THE PERSON WHO SENT IT TO YOU
(so that I get to know the titbit info as well!!).

It should take 5 minutes. All you do is click forward, then you will be
able to change all the answers and send it's easy as pie:

1. What time is it? 10:31am

2. What is your name? Amy Lea MOORE :)

3. Any nicknames? Ummm .... some people call me Amz? And there is a guy at work who calls me Mooreberry because he got confused when I got married :P

4. Mothers name? Helen

5. What is your Favourite drink? Give me some acidic Coke anyday

6. Tattoos? 0 at present but I always entertain the idea

7. How much do you love your job-scale of 1 to 10? It ranges, probably between about 5-8

8. Birthplace: Dungog NSW (go the gog!)

9. Favourite vacation spot: Atm it's probably the Sunshine/Gold Coasts because they are so close but so fun!

10. Ever been to Africa? No

11. Stolen any traffic signs? I don't remember ...

12. Ever been in a car accident? Nothing serious

13. Croutons or Bacon bits? Please don't ask someone who makes Caesar salads for a living that question

14. 2 Door or 4 Door car? 4 door - go my Persona!

15. Salad Dressing? Read question 13!

16. Favourite Pie: A meat one?

17. Dream car: Something expensive and fast

18. Favourite Movie? It changes all the time

19. Favourite Colour? Pink?

20. Favourite Holiday? Fingal Bay! Yeah! Good answer Manda

21. Favourite Food? Cheeeeeeeeesssssssssseeeeeeeeee

22. Favourite day of the week? Sunday (go the Sabbath!)

23. Favourite brand of body soap? Can't say I really compare

24. Favourite TV show? Probably Family Guy :)

25. Toothpaste? Read question 23!

26. Most recently read book? Probably the Bible!

27. Favourite Smell? Anything that doesn't smell like rotting salad

28. What do you do to relax? Read, go to the movies, make babies on Sims 2

29. Favourite Fast Food? I had a quarter pounder last night, that was pretty good!

30. When was your last hospital visit? Ummmmmmm ....

31. Message to your friends reading this: Where's all my e-mails? :P

32. How do you see yourself in 10 years? With a house and some little Warrane babies so I don't have to work :)

33. What do you do when you are bored? Complain :P

34. What presents do you enjoy receiving? Nice cubic zirconia rings with pink loveheart stones (hint hint Jason)

35. Furthest place you will send this message? Probably Sydney :)

36. Who will respond the fastest? Depends who reads the blog, that's where I think I'll put it

38. What time is it now? 10:39am


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